Ideas for Common Problems
Do you have a friend you go to for anything tech related, questions about cell phone settings or questions about buying new computers?
For my friends, I'm that guy!
I'm definitely not a 'guru' on anything. However, I do know how to find information and make it easy to get to from a central location. So, I started researching some of the common questions I'm often asked and compiled them here.
Common Searches
We’ve moved the common questions to the home page, so you can see what other people are interested in
Business Ideas
Innovative Concepts to help gain financially by selling unique products or services
Investing Opportunities
What's your investment strategy look like for 2018? Maybe some changes are in order.
Web Hosting
20 years ago, there were very few options to hosting a website. We'll explore some of the best options available in 2018
Network Marketing
Get paid for referrals for just about anything anymore. Here I explore some of the best network marketing opportunities.
Digital Marketing
Launching a new Ad Campaign? Do you use Google Adwords, BingAds or Facebook Marketing. I'll collect some of the best methods here.
Be careful out there. There' are thousands of scams. Have you found anything good?
HATRIX Solutions
Finding the answers before you search.
It can be a real challenge to find the right information while using BING or GOOGLE. That's why Hatrix Solutions exists – to provide a more targeted and streamlined approach to finding answers to common questions. The internet is full of information, but sometimes it can be overwhelming to sift through all the material out there.
I've tailored this site to provide specific answers to frequently asked questions, saving users time and energy in their search for information. Moreover, my goal is to provide an easy-to-use platform that will help users access precise and reliable information quickly and efficiently so you can go back to doing more important things.